Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is important for companies setting science based targets #SBTi  for a number of reasons:

  1. LCA provides a comprehensive and holistic perspective on the environmental impacts of a product or process throughout its entire life cycle. This allows companies to identify the specific stages of the life cycle where the greatest impacts occur and to target their efforts to reduce those impacts.
  2. LCA provides a consistent and transparent method for evaluating the environmental performance of different products and processes, making it useful for setting science-based targets and comparing the environmental performance of different products and processes.
  3. Companies can use LCA as a tool to identify opportunities for innovation and process improvement that can reduce their environmental impact and support the achievement of science-based targets.
  4. LCA can help companies to communicate their environmental performance to stakeholders and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, which can improve brand reputation, customer loyalty and compliance with regulations.
  5. LCA can be used to identify the environmental trade-offs associated with different products and processes, which can help companies to make informed decisions about their product and process design.

Earthster's transparent and iterative approach makes achieving SBTi easier, because of it's collaborative nature. Professionals in organizations learn improvements, when they can do product and business scenarios/whatifs and see the impacts instantly.

Overall, LCA is a powerful tool that can help companies to set science based targets, improve their environmental performance, and meet the expectations of stakeholders.

Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential. Winston Churchill

Same thing with LCA. LCA results are of little importance, but LCAng is essential. People who understand products' environmental impacts, can transform the company to reach science based targets.